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shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more layhis hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations ofthe earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide...Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as ...
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    Zenith House, Publishers 490 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10017    Gentlemen:  I have written a book that you might want to publish. It is very good. It is all scary and all true. It is called True Tales of Demon Infestations. I know all the things in it from first hand. Con...
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SUMMERCHAPTER ONE    GRADUALLY THE girl came to the conclusion that she was ill. It could not be anything else.    She pushed her way across the pavement, stood with her back against a brick wall, felt the rough surface scraping her skin through her blouse and jeans. The brickwork seem...
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  is a windbag and a liar,  Prophesying a future of wine and spirits.     - The Book of Micah      ONE    The leggy girl was both alpha and omega: the two embodied in the same pact bundle. The operation began when she confronted him on a Florida beach, breaking his euphoria; it ...
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《jrt.the hobbit》

 An Unexpected Party In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means fort. It had a perfectly round doo...
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 Chapter one  He had been walking the dirty streets since twilight first began to gather. The pain streamed like liquid fire through every cell of his body - but he locked it away in a corner of his mind, ignored it, and walked. There was little to please the eye in his surroundings, and he p...
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  -Ezra Pound        1    First, I closed the windows and bolted the flimsy aluminum door. Then I flicked on the overhead light and snapped the Venetian blinds shut. Without the cross ventilation, it was stifling inside the trailer. Outside, in the florida sunlight, the temperature ...
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  打破错误的健康理念:年龄再造-被忽视的衰老速度 作者:李鸿鹄  慢性病人不但有机会痊愈,同时还能长命百岁;亚健康的真相被彻底戳穿;“高危器官”的神秘面纱也被层层揭开;无数名英年早逝、过劳死的先辈们都将因此得到安息;120岁的生命,将不再遥不可及……  第一部分 感性健康时代  引子 “你怎么看上去老...
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THE RIDDLE HOUSEThe villagers of Little Hangleron still called it "the Riddle House," even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village, some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked ov...
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  作者:林雪  第一章 如何嫁个好男人  女人为什么不想结婚  其实,女人拒绝结婚登记的原因大都是在等待更理想的对象,这样,便渐渐造成了今日越来越多的非婚现象。  许多男人与女友交往多年,而且十分认真,同时也都几近同居状态,但是一提起要结婚,女友便开始闪烁其词,电话以及约会次数都逐渐减少,最后便...
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《cb.coldheart canyon》

  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS   There are a lot of people to thank for helping me bring this one home. It was a devil of a book to write, for a host of reasons. For one thing, I began writing it the week before my father passed away, and inevitably the long shadow of that event dimmed the joy of writing,...
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  THE SENIOR partner studied the resume for the hundredth time and again found nothing he disliked about Mitchell Y. McDeere, at least not on paper. He had the brains, the ambition, the good looks. And he was hungry; with his background, he had to be. He was married, and that was mandatory. ha...
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Chapter 1 A Sunny Day in Londontown 3Chapter 2 Cops and Royals 14Chapter 3 Flowers and Families 37Chapter 4 Players 53Chapter 5 Perqs and Plots 67Chapter 6 Trials and Troubles 80Chapter 7 Speedbird Home 101Chapter 8 Information 115Chapter 9 A Day for Celebration 130Chapter 10 Plans and Threats 14...
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  作者::向本  第一部分  乡村档案(一)(1)  好不容易又盼到了星期六。苦藤河乡党委书记李冬明这天起来得特别的早,早饭也没吃就准备到河那边连山镇坐火车回县里去。其实乡政府并没有星期六和星期天的概念,只有农忙和农闲。在农村工作的乡镇干部都知道,农村一年有三个忙碌的季节,一是春耕生产,二是秋收秋...
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  (全新改写)  郑媛  古昊天,天生的独裁者,深信所有人只能围绕他旋转!  可这回教他遇上敌手,这女人竟敢“漠视他”?!  嗤,她未免也太过“无知”!竟连他是谁都不知道?  尽管身上背负债务,不卑不亢的态度,却比女皇还尊贵!  然而怪的是,她那冷淡无所谓的态度,却反而深深勾起他的兴趣……  尽...
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  Walking up the wall had not been easy. But walking across the ceiling was turning out to be pletely impossible. Until I realized that I was going about it the wrong way. It seemed obvious when I thought about it. When I held onto the ceiling with my hands I could not move my feet. So I switch...
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小说排行榜:/top.html叫我如何不宰你 作者:邬敬民一个导游的自白导游工作的特点,非常适合活泼大方、性格开朗的我。开始加入这一行业时,我对未来充满了希望,想从这里书写人生新的篇章。然而随着对这一行业的深入了解,却发现环境中充满了恶劣的竞争,想在其中谋生,必须放弃自己的良心与尊严。十几年的导游生涯,曾...
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  不可COPY的男友  第一章  “嘟嘟嘟……嘟嘟嘟……”  小猪闹钟准时在五点半响了,清脆的声音在小屋里回响着。“啊!烦死了!”我从被窝里探出头伸出胳膊一下把它扫到桌底下,声音嘎然而止。“大清早鬼叫什么?”我迷迷糊糊爬起来对它好一通骂,又倒下去继续睡,如果它有生命肯定觉得很委屈,因为,那是我自己昨...
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《兵器奇闻趣事》 作者:沈顺根  内容简介  个事例,包括陆战兵器、水面兵器、水下兵器、空战兵器、电子战兵器、核  武器、动物与兵器、未来新兵器、飞碟与外星人等八个方面的内容。在这些  栩栩如生、幽默风趣 、惊心动魄、千奇百怪的事例中,介绍了各种各样兵器  知识,从而使读者开阔视野,增长见识。  ...
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