


三国演义英文版- 第17节

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So Sun Jian exchanged his silver helmet with the turban for his general's headpiece; and the two men parted; riding different ways。 The pursuers looking only for the purple turban went after its wearer; and Sun Jian escaped along a by…road。
Zu Mao; hotly pursued; then tore off the headdress which he hung on the post of a half…burned house as he passed and dashed into the thick woods。 Hua Xiong's troops seeing the purple turban standing motionless dared not approach; but they surrounded it on every side and shot at it with arrows。 Presently they discovered the trick; went up and seized it。
This was the moment that Zu Mao awaited。 At once he rushed forth; his two swords whirling about; and dashed at the leader。 But Hua Xiong was too quick。 With a loud yell; Hua Xiong slashed at Zu Mao and cut him down the horse。 Hua Xiong and Li Ru continued the slaughter till the day broke; and they led their troops back to the Pass。
Cheng Pu; Huang Gai; and Han Dang in time found their chief and the soldiers gathered。 Sun Jian was much grieved at the loss of Zu Mao。
When news of the disaster reached Yuan Shao; he was greatly chagrined and called all the lords to a council。 They assembled and Gongsun Zan was the last to arrive。
When all were seated in the tent Yuan Shao said; 〃The brother of General Bao Xin; disobeying the rules we made for our guidance; rashly went to attack the enemy: He was slain and with him many of our soldiers。 Now Sun Jian has been defeated。 Thus our fighting spirit has suffered and what is to be done?〃
Everyone was silent。 Lifting his eyes; Yuan Shao looked round from one to another till he came to Gongsun Zan; and then he remarked three men who stood behind Gongsun Zan's seat。 They were of striking appearance as they stood there; all three smiling cynically。
〃Who are those men behind you?〃 said Yuan Shao。
Gongsun Zan told Liu Bei to e forward; and said; 〃This is Liu Bei; Magistrate of Pingyuan and a brother of mine who shared my humble cottage when we were students。〃
〃It must be the Liu Bei who broke up the Yellow Scarves rebellion;〃 said Cao Cao。
〃It is he;〃 said Gongsun Zan; and he ordered Liu Bei to make his obeisance to the assembly; to whom Liu Bei then related his services and his origin; all in full detail。
〃Since he is of the Han line; he should be seated;〃 said Yuan Shao; and he bade Liu Bei sit。
Liu Bei modestly thanked him; declining。
Said Yuan Shao; 〃This consideration is not for your fame and office。 I respect you as a scion of the imperial family。〃
So Liu Bei took his seat in the lowest place of the long line of lords。 And his two brothers with folded arms took their stations behind him。
Even as they were at this meeting came in a scout to say that Hua Xiong with a pany of mail…clad horsemen was ing down from the Pass。 They were flaunting Sun Jian's captured purple turban on the end of a bamboo pole。 The enemy was soon hurling insults at those within the stockade and challenging them to fight。
〃Who dares go out to give battle?〃 said Yuan Shao。
〃I will go;〃 said Yu She; a renown general of Yuan Shu; stepping forward。
So Yu She went; and almost immediately one came back to say that Yu She had fallen in the third bout of Hua Xiong。
Fear began to lay its cold hand on the assembly。
Then Imperial Protector Han Fu said; 〃I have a brave warrior among my army。 Pan Feng is his name; and he could slay this Hua Xiong。〃
So Pan Feng was ordered out to meet the foe。 With his great battle…ax in his hand; Pan Feng mounted and rode forth。 But soon came the direful tidings that General Pan Feng too had fallen。 The faces of the gathering paled at this。
〃What a pity my two able generals; Yan Liang and Wen Chou; are not here! Then should we have someone who would not fear this Hua Xiong;〃 said Yuan Shao。
He had not finished when from the lower end a voice tolled; 〃I will go; take Hua Xiong's head; and lay it before you here!〃
All turned to look at the speaker。 He was tall and had a long beard。 His eyes were those of a phoenix and his eyebrows thick and bushy like silkworms。 His face was a swarthy red and his voice deep as the sound of a great bell。
〃Who is he?〃 asked Yuan Shao。
Gongsun Zan told them it was Guan Yu; brother of Liu Bei。
〃And what is he?〃 asked Yuan Shao。
〃He is in the train of Liu Bei as a mounted archer。〃
〃What! An insult to us all!〃 roared Yuan Shu from his place。 〃Have we no leader? How dare an archer speak thus before us? Let us beat him forth!〃
But Cao Cao intervened。 〃Peace; O Yuan Shu! Since this man speaks great words; he is certainly valiant。 Let him try。 If he fails; then we may reproach him。〃
〃Hua Xiong will laugh at us if we send a mere archer to fight him;〃 said Yuan Shao。
〃This man looks no mon person。 And how can the enemy know he is but a bowman?〃 said Cao Cao。
〃If I fail; then can you take my head;〃 spoke Guan Yu。
Cao Cao bade them heat some wine and offered a cup to Guan Yu as he went out。
〃Pour it out;〃 said Guan Yu。 〃I shall return in a little space。〃
Guan Yu went with his weapon in his hand and vaulted into the saddle。 Those in the tent heard the fierce roll of the drums and then a mighty sound as if skies were falling and earth rising; hills trembling and mountains tearing asunder。 And they were sore afraid。 And while they were listening with ears intent; lo! the gentle tinkle of horse bells; and Guan Yu returned; throwing at their feet the head of the slain leader; their enemy Hua Xiong。
The wine was still warm!
This doughty deed has been celebrated in verse:

The power of the man stands first in all the world;
At the gate of the camp was heard the rolling of the battle drums;
Then Guan Yu set aside the wine cup till he should have displayed his valor;
And the wine was still warm when Hua Xiong had been slain。

Cao Cao was greatly excited at this success。
But Zhang Fei's voice was heard; shouting; 〃My brother has slain Hua Xiong。 What are we waiting for? Why not break through the Pass and seize Dong Zhuo? Could there have been a better time?〃
Again arose the angry voice of Yuan Shu; 〃We high officials are too meek and yielding。 Here is the petty follower of a small magistrate daring to flaunt his prowess before us! Expel him from the tent; I say。〃
But again Cao Cao interposed; 〃Shall we consider the station of him who has done a great service?〃
〃If you hold a mere magistrate in such honor; then I simply withdraw;〃 said Yuan Shu。
〃Is a word enough to defeat a grand enterprise?〃 said Cao Cao。
Then he told Gongsun Zan to lead the three brothers back to their own camp; and the other chiefs then dispersed。 That night Cao Cao secretly sent presents of meat and wine to soothe the three after this adventure。
When Hua Xiong's troops straggled back and told the story of defeat and death; Li Ru was greatly distressed。 He wrote urgent letters to his master who called in his trusted advisers to a council。
Li Ru summed up the situation; saying; 〃We have lost our best leader; and the rebel power has thereby bee very great。 Yuan Shao is at the head of this confederacy; and his uncle; Yuan Wei; is holder of the office of Imperial Guardianship。 If those in the capital bine with those in the country; we may suffer。 Therefore we must remove them。 So I request you; Sir Prime Minister; to place yourself at the head of your army and break this confederation。〃
Dong Zhuo agreed and at once ordered his two generals; Li Jue and Guo Si; to take five hundred troops and surround the residence of Imperial Guardian Yuan Wei; slay every soul regardless of age; and hang the head of Yuan Wei outside the gate as trophy。 And Dong Zhuo manded two hundred thousand troops to advance in two armies。 The first fifty thousand were under Li Jue and Guo Si; and they were to hold River Si Pass。 They should not necessarily fight。 The other one hundred fifty thousand under Dong Zhuo himself went to Tiger Trap Pass。 His counselors and manders………Li Ru; Lu Bu; Fan Chou; Zhang Ji; and others………marched with the main army。
Tiger Trap Pass is fifteen miles from Capital Luoyang。 As soon as they arrived; Dong Zhuo bade Lu Bu take thirty thousand soldiers and make a strong stockade on the outside of the Pass。 The main body with Dong Zhuo would occupy the Pass。
News of this movement reaching the confe
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