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《林依晨的纽约贝果日记》|总人气: 0| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    第1节:林依晨的纽约贝果日记(1)  P6  The first time when I met Ariel was in Taipei, and 2nd time when Imet Arielagain was in the US and it was first time Ariel in the US soit was a veryspecial trip for her, full of excitement and curiosity and we are pleased tohave her around.  Ariel was attending the film academy in NY and our home in Bostonwas a nestingstop, we have spent weeks before the school started,most of time we haveexperienced the OLD New England"s oldcharm ‘FALLINGEDGE’, the tree turned into...

